Wednesday 2 December 2009

Results in - Graduation soon

All done - Got my Results ( all distinctions on every module yay! )
graduating on December 14th 2009.

I had fun, the time scale was a bit rough, sometimes having only a couple of months, which in part time terms means about 15 days works, but i got it all in.
Many thanks to Gareth & Emma for there input and to all those that helped out or gave feedback on the work.

whats next? I'm thinking about finishing my Masters in Education now.

I need to write some new course's and improve the teaching, feedback and assessment methods here, so watch out.

Monday 7 September 2009

MA Finished

Well its over, below is the final result of a manic summer.
The show is the 24th of september 2009
I've only had one mark so far for this year so who knows what the results will be.
enjoy the film.
I'm thinking of expanding the idea and putting it forward for a grant to complete it working with welsh composers, animators, fim makers, photographer and writers. A kind of welsh fantasia incoporating the culture and landscape of wales mixed with classical and rock, pop, experimental music.

In a Landscape from andrew pearsall on Vimeo.

Monday 31 August 2009

a whole month has gone by without a post

the fact that haven't posted anything in a month is an indication of what I'm going through at the moment with regards to the work. I have been doing work and i might post a few of the tests soon ( don't hold your breath, uploading to vimeo takes a while ).
I had a few indecisive moments with choosing the music and how that relates to images I've been filming. Oddly enough I've ended up going for a piece by an artist who broke a few moulds in the music field, John Cage who is most famous for his piece "4′33" which was four minutes and thirty three seconds of silence. the intention is have the audience listen to the surrounding noises of the concert venue, the creaking of the seats, people coughing etc. so each performance is different.

for the film I've chosen a piece called "in a landscape"(1948) performed by Herbert Henck (John Cage : Early Piano Music) Its a lovely piece that plays for over twelve minutes so I've had to cut it down to around six minutes (apologies John & Herbert).
I've had to compromise quite a lot due to the short amount time I've had for the project and a few technical issues ( my old mac finds in hard working with the Canon5D mark 2 files ) and not having a newer version of after effects, which i needed to animate parts of the fauna i intended to shoot.

The piece also needed somekind of narrative to drive it, so i've included extracts from welsh poetry about the landscape. I had decided to record a voiceover of a male deep welsh voice to read out the poetry with the text integrated into the images but i didnt sound right and started to overide the music which is the main focus. I'd even found original recordings of Dylan Thomas to use but again it doesnt fit.

Its turned into a kind of extended title sequence but using poetry extracts instead, the type will hopefully be integrated into the footage.
lets hope it doesnt take forever to render 8-)

Saturday 1 August 2009

A Semiconductor film by Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt

The work below is a great example of the blend of animation and science, these images captured are not real but are interpretations of the scientists.
its a subtle use of blending stills and animation to create a fairly be livable film.

Magnetic Movie from Semiconductor on Vimeo.

CMS Website and rebrand project

In September 08 i started an interactive project, I decided to re brand and setup a new website for a friend who runs his own environmental study company. The new website can be found at I used the word press blog software along with the sandbox extension to create a new site that he could update easily and still keep some structural integrity ( Andy the director has pretty much changed everything since the launch in Dec 08, which is what it was all about, i do though need to go back to the site and clean it up a little).
I also rebranded the Logo and created a new company design style for huckbody environmental, giving his site a much stronger presence and professionalism.

Decision made

Well I've finally decided on the theme for the music piece, it will be entitled "The rhythm of life" and will be a motion graphics exploration into nature, the landscape and life.
I'm tempted to use music by Future sound of london called "life forms" which I listened to when i was at newport uni doing my Ba photography. I'm still listening to it and perhasp i will use several pieces. The idea stemmed from some of the work done on other projects, ie book project - explored the spiral, the motion design piece I played with inks and organic forms, interactive project sound and visuals. In design managment a guiness advert I showed was call the rhythm of life so i suppose it all ties together somehow.
ideas and short visual renders to follow.

This style is also what i'm aiming for, a cross between a documentary and music video, i wont be attempting 3d animation, its been too long to start learning now.

Friday 31 July 2009

audio flash experiments

These are a series of flash actionscript experiments using the microphone input option within flash, there is also a motion detection option but the coding is quite complex. this one is dead easy and by using simple movieclip controls you can be very inventive.
These ideas were for video installations in a Nike store, as people move around the graphics react to the ambient sounds. Microphones (peizo discs) could be placed on wooden floors to react to footsteps and vibrations.

here are the links (i recommend you mute your speakers to stop feedback)

you be asked to let flash connect to your mic, dont worry its nothing dodgy

bendy shoe grass
bouncing logo
spinning shoe wheel with looped video background
shoe spread
audio controls the video speed
a constant sound will play the video
sound reacting shoe rain
blow to see the football boot

find out more about the code here